Build Confidence.





Reliable. Relatable. Results.

Our reality is shaped by the stories we tell ourselves on a regular basis.

Your stories are what hold you back, or spring you forward. Your stories can be like the little devil on your shoulder, whispering your fears and reminding you of your limitations. They can also be your guardian angel or inner warrior on the other shoulder, pressing you forward and raising your spirits.

Which voice talks louder? Which voice do you hear most often? Which story do you prefer?

Your stories are those beliefs: that you can, or cannot. Your stories tell you if you deserve good fortune or should expect more of what you don’t want.

But stories are just that: stories.

We can either choose to believe false, outdated, misleading stories. Or cultivate new stories: that lift us up and move us forward into a better life.

If you’re ready to make REAL, LASTING changes, change the conversation you’re having with yourself.

GAIN confidence. CREATE clarity. ENJOY freedom.


I did, and you can too.

My name is Dave Robinson.


I help people overcome

imposter syndrome,

turn self-doubt into


and finally face what’s

really “holding you back”


I do this work as a Professional Storywork Coach.